Create a new feed
On the Feeds page, click on the New feed button
By default, the feed will select all stories available to show in a new feed. To change the stories inside a feed, see Choose the stories to show inside a feed
When you click on the Save button, the new feed will be saved as Active and named as [Blank title].
Edit a feed
In this section, you will learn how to edit a feed, whether new or existing.
Choose the stories to show inside a feed
There are three ways to choose which stories to show inside a feed:
1. All stories
When selected, the Feed will show all stories created in XO Story. The order of the stories will be the newly created ones first.
2. Tags
Each story can have none, one, or many tags when you create one. A feed can import stories based on these tags.
Search tags to add into the feed at the Tag box
See all the stories imported by these tags
You can delete unwanted tags from the feed by clicking on the x button next to a tag
3. Select stories
Select specific stories to add into the feed and customize the order of the stories.
Click on the Add stories button
Select or search for stories in the popup. Click on the Add button to add the selected stories
You can change the position of the stories inside a feed, simply by dragging and dropping. See the preview to see the order of the stories inside the feed.
Change styles
Customize the look and feel of the feed, then view your changes in the preview box above.
Change feed style
- Choose the feed style You have 4 options for the feed styles, which are Circle, 9:16 rectangle, Vertical rectangle, and Square. With each style, you can adjust the Size, Spacing, and Background color of the feed.
For example, this is a 9:16 rectangle feed which looks fantastic on both deskop and mobile.
Select Desktop or Mobile to adjust the look and feel of the feed on all devices.
- Change story border
You can enable or disable the story border.
Then choose Single color or Gradient color
And adjust the weight as well as the padding
- Custom arrow button
Select the icon for the arrow, both previous and next
Change the arrow color or the background color
Change story style
- Change title on desktop and mobile
YOu can enable/disable the story title on the desktop and mobile, as well as changing the font size and color. The preview panel will show the desktop version only.
- Change background color
You can choose a new color to show as the story's background, or use the global settings Settings - which apply to all stories.
- Change slider progress color
The slider progress bar shows up at the top of a story, as shown in the image above. You can customize this color by enabling the option, then choose a new color.
Edit feed's info
To edit a feed's informaiton, click on the Info tab.
Here, you can edit the name of the feed or change the status of the feed.
When turned to Deactive, the feed wont' be able to show on the storefront.
Change the covers of the feed's stories
With the stories inside a feed, when you hover over the thumbnails, there is an icon to customzize the thumbnails to show on the feed.
Click on the edit icon when hover over a story's thumbnail
Crop the existing image or choose a new one, then click on the Save button.
You can see the new thumbnail on the preview panel above.