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Shopify Limits


  • 255 character limit

In Shopify, all Handles have a limitation of 255 characters, so any Handle longer than that will be truncated to 255 characters by the app if importing longer Handle.


  • 255 character limit for each tag

Each individual tag can only be 255 characters long. This includes single spaces. Double spaces will be converted to single space.


  • 255 character limit for Metafield Namespace
  • 64 character limit for Metafield Key

Each Metafield consists of 3 basic values – Namespace, Key and Value.

Namespace, in a way, is a folder in which Metafield is stored in. This folders name is limited in Shopify to 255 characters.

Key is the name of the Metafield itself, in Shopify, this can be 64 characters.

SEO Title

  • 70 character limit

You can enter up to 70 characters in the title. You can read more about the title on this article.

SEO Description

  • 320 character limit

You can enter up to 320 characters in the description. Read more about SEO Desription here.

Image alt text

  • 255 character limit

Shopify limits Blog Posts featured image alt text to be maximum of 255 characters.