Frequently asked questions
Does XO Tunnel work with my theme?
Yes, XO Tunnel works with any Shopify themes. You're free to change themes as often as you like.
What will happen after I uninstall the app?
We will keep your data for 7 days, then it will be deleted from our server. Please make sure before uninstall.
Your Notion authenticate data will be remove immediately after uninstall. So you will need to authenticate again if you reinstall the app.
How to get product ID?
The number after /products/ when you edit your product in Shopify admin.

How to get collection ID?
The same as product ID, it's the number in URL when you edit a collection:

How to display Google map block
You need to add link from embed map to Notion:
- Click "Share" icon
- Click "Embed a map" then click "COPY HTML"
- Paste code to your notepad (or any text editor), then copy from
to the nearest" width=
like this - Paste to your Notion embed map