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4.13.0 (12 Jul, 2024)


  • Admin app performance
  • Hold shift to choose many images in filters


  • Issue with Safari in Sonoma 14.5

4.12.4 (08 Mar, 2024)


  • Support video in product gallery


  • Navigate in slider
  • Filter name a-z

4.12.3 (28 Feb, 2024)


  • SEO with preprint HTML code
  • Choose custom video poster


  • Gradient opacity in the hover layer

4.12.2 (21 Feb, 2024)


  • Edit album with Grid/List/Bulk edit galleries

4.12.1 (15 Feb, 2024)


  • Sort by file name a-z

4.12.0 (07 Feb, 2024)

New features

  • Search gallery in album


  • Select filter images with paging

4.11.0 (31 Jan, 2024)

New features

  • Search image in alt text


  • App backend

4.10.1 (29 Jan, 2024)


  • Option to show album "Back button" on both top and bottom


  • Video settings in popup

4.10.0 (24 Jan, 2024)

New features

  • App dashboard
  • Bring live chat back

4.9.2 (15 Jan, 2024)


  • Slider with different height
  • Product handle was changed

4.9.1 (10 Jan, 2024)


  • Video on type Grid
  • Justified fill hide last images

4.9.0 (03 Jan, 2024)

New features

  • Config video: autoplay, mute, controls, loop

4.8.0 (19 Oct, 2023)

New features

  • White skin for popup
  • Disable share button on popup
  • Choose dropdown filter for mobile

4.7.0 (09 Oct, 2023)

New features

  • Support mp4, mov video in gallery

4.6.0 (15 Sep, 2023)

New features

  • Design type: Hover show image with title/ description
  • Justified gallery: Make a full row


  • File name to title include _

4.5.3 (30 Jun, 2023)


  • Search images with loadmore feature

4.5.2 (08 Jun, 2023)


  • Missing gallery images in album

4.5.1 (22 Apr, 2023)

New features

  • Publish gallery using metafield (dynamic source)

4.5.0 (08 Apr, 2023)

New features

  • Search images in gallery (by title and description)

4.4.2 (28 Mar, 2023)

New features

  • Improve gallery select in album


  • Move product image gallery to app block

4.4.1 (22 Mar, 2023)

New features

  • New fade-out effect

4.4.0 (21 Mar, 2023)

New features

  • New styles system

4.3.0 (11 Dec, 2022)

New features

  • Bulk insert links


  • Select assets theme

4.2.0 (22 Nov, 2022)

New features

  • Choose different effect on devices
  • Option to hide hotspot sidebar

4.1.0 (27 May, 2022)

New features

  • Bulk title/description insert

4.0.0 (15 May, 2022)

New features

  • Optimize app backend
  • Optimize frontend


  • Minor bug fixes

3.5.5 (30 Aug, 2021)

New features

  • Support for Online store 2.0

3.5.4 (24 Jul, 2021)

New features

  • Hover to show product for inline hotspot

3.5.3 (11 Jul, 2021)

New features

  • Show hotspots in thumbnail (inline hotspot)


  • Change CSS variable
  • Minor bug fixes

3.5.2 (16 Jun, 2021)


  • Update new Polaris style
  • Filter with type Justified
  • Minor bug fixes

3.5.1 (12 Jun, 2021)

New features

  • Choose bulk images for filter
  • Setup different button text & style for images
  • New nav buttons, pagination style (carousel & slilder)


  • Minor bug fixes
  • Option scroll back to top album
  • Position outside issue

3.5.0 (19 May, 2021)

New features

  • Support search engine index all images
  • Support multi language

3.4.0 (06 May, 2021)

New features

  • New gallery type: slider with thumbnail


  • Wrong image size when use image hover
  • Minor bug fixes

3.3.1 (25 Mar, 2021)

New features

  • Settings XO Gallery for some specific pages


  • Error when switch from Pro to Basic
  • Minor bug fixes

3.3.0 (14 Mar, 2021)

New features

  • Design for album
  • New ratio for grid items
  • Update item border radius
  • Option to turn off zoom in popup
  • Option to align stack items
  • Add background to blank item


  • Minor bug fixes

3.2.2 (05 Mar, 2021)

New features

  • Option disable lazyload
  • Option to change money sign


  • Minor bug fixes

3.2.1 (05 Mar, 2021)

New features

  • Gallery description support HTML code


  • Optimize backend
  • Order panel open/close issue
  • Minor bug fixes

3.2.0 (27 Feb, 2021)

New features

  • New frontend scripts (optimized)
  • Lazyload by default
  • New gallery type: Stack
  • New carousel effect: transition
  • New appear effects
  • Filter appear effect
  • Filter is now available for Justified
  • Change gallery order (new first)


  • Minor bug fixes

3.1.3 (21 Jan, 2021)

New features

  • Custom loading icon

3.1.2 (19 Jan, 2021)

New features

  • Show page link after publishing a gallery/album

3.1.1 (13 Jan, 2021)

New features

  • Add text style to limit and hotspot
  • Improve upload system

3.1.0 (12 Jan, 2021)

New features

  • New authorize system
  • Text style


  • Save list & grid view
  • Gallery custom order in album
  • Minor bug fixes

3.0.3 (28 Dec, 2020)

New features

  • Use product images in gallery
  • Hotspot config compact product display for mobile

3.0.2 (24 Dec, 2020)

New features

  • New config for hotspot
  • New upload progress


  • Global SCSS code does not work
  • Minor bug fixes

3.0.1 (20 Dec, 2020)

New features

  • Upload galleries to unpublish theme


  • Clone/Delete with paging
  • Minor bug fixes

3.0.0 (18 Dec, 2020)

Release 3.0

New features

  • Support SCSS
  • New button system
  • New image manager
  • New breakpoint
  • Paging

2.6.1 (20 Jul, 2020)

New features

  • Add uninstall page

2.6.0 (22 Jun, 2020)

New features

  • Option to show gallery title & description

2.5.1 (19 Apr, 2020)

New features

  • Search gallery in album


  • Scripttag when switch pro to basic

2.5.0 (16 Apr, 2020)

New features

  • Image on hover layer
  • Search gallery

2.4.3 (10 Apr, 2020)

New features

  • Hover effect for image layer (gray to color, color to gray)


  • Wrong images count for free plan

2.4.3 (26 Mar, 2020)

New features

  • Custom link for album


  • Error can't select filter
  • Minor bug fixes

2.4.2 (20 Mar, 2020)

New features

  • Gradient overlay color

2.4.1 (15 Mar, 2020)


  • Button styles
  • Optimize album (front-end)
  • Minor bug fixes

2.4.0 (14 Mar, 2020)

New features

  • Tag products to image
  • New hover layer: Title & Button / Button
  • Button styles (with customize tool)

2.3.0 (20 Feb, 2020)

New features

  • Album
  • New plans: Free & Pro

2.2.4 (03 Feb, 2020)

New features

  • Option to use file name as image title

2.2.3 (20 Jan, 2020)

New features

  • Support video in gallery popup

2.2.2 (18 Jan, 2020)

New features

  • Import / Export gallery


  • Optimize admin speed
  • Minor bug fixes

2.2.1 (08 Jan, 2020)

New features

  • Option to "Publish" gallery to pages


  • Open/Close image layer
  • Minor bug fixes

2.2 (29 Dec, 2019)

New features

  • Support blank item
  • Add layer manager in build tab
  • Show/hide image in different devices


  • Bug when change theme
  • Minor bug fixes

2.1.5 (21 Dec, 2019)

New features

  • Change image
  • Optimize CSS: Swiper and Popup


  • Minor bug fixes

2.1.4 (10 Dec, 2019)

New features

  • Preview effects in admin


  • Minor bug fixes

2.1.3 (08 Dec, 2019)

New features

  • 18 new effects


  • Optimize CSS: Only using effects are added

2.1.1 (05 Dec, 2019)

New features

  • Option to crop image


  • Minor bug fixes

2.1.0 (05 Dec, 2019)

New features

  • Realtime save status (admin)


  • Hoverdir effect
  • Link in image
  • Minor bug fixes

2.1.0 (04 Dec, 2019)

New features

  • Improve admin speed
  • Design item and hover layer


  • Appear effects
  • Remove Instagram
  • Minor bug fixes

2.0.0 (17 Nov, 2019)

New features

  • Image filter
  • Combine config + build page
  • Import image from URL
  • Change image display order
  • Optimize page speed
  • New custom code editor


  • Minor bug fixes

1.8.2 (06 May, 2019)


  • Loading more issue (frontend)

1.8 (9 Apr, 2019)

New features

  • Image alt tag


  • Bug when no jQuery in theme

1.7 (29 Mar, 2019)


  • Slider CSS bug

1.6 (29 Mar, 2019)

New features

  • Load more button for Masonry & Grid type


  • Bug when using gallery with product
  • Error when delete gallery

1.5 (20 Feb, 2019)

New features

  • Support Instagram images
  • New gallery type: Justified
  • New gallery type: Slider
  • Video on popup (support Youtube / Vimeo)

1.4 (18 Jan, 2019)

New features

  • Upload images status
  • Bulk delete images
  • New way to add gallery to shop (check guide here)

1.3 (15 Jan, 2019)

New features

  • Global settings to create custom effect

1.2 (15 Dec, 2018)

New features

  • Gallery in product
  • Limit item display, offer "more items" link
  • New appear effect (4 types)
  • New effect: Image zoom

1.1 (09 Nov, 2018)

  • Title now accept HTML
  • Effect will not display if you don't add title

1.0 (22 Sep, 2018)

Realease 1.0